Announcing Our Move to Our New Home at Healing Path Farm!

Relatives, we have some exciting news to share today! Recently our Board of Directors entertained a motion to move the physical gathering place for our Church, to our partner location, Healing Path Farm. The motion passed unanimously.

Hence beginning next Sunday, 5 May 2024, we will be hosting our Sunday Spiritual Celebration Services at Healing Path Farm. Our farm features 40 acres, including: Blueberry orchards, a community garden, open spaces, and prayer sites along the river. Its name, Healing Path is no accident. It has been and will continue to be a sacred space for our Ceremonies, as well as the Men’s and Sister Warriors' Fellowships. Nestled in the quiet forest, encircled by ancient stones (placed there, no doubt by our Ancestors many Winters ago) - we also provide space for Vision Quests.

This will be a wholesome move for us, enjoying teaching, prayer and Ceremony in the open space of the land. We will be meeting in the pavilion at the back of the property. Directional signs will guide you to our gathering.

The address of Healing Path Farm is 5055 Barnett Shoals Road, Athens, GA, 30605. We gather for a brief period of fellowship, at 11:00AM and service starts promptly at 11:11AM.

Please help our transition by sharing this news with anyone you know that is affiliated with our Church, so we do not miss anyone.

We and the land look forward with great anticipation to greeting you next Sunday.

A’ȟo O Mítákuye Oyásíŋ 🦅