Relatives, in response to my Sacred Request from yesterday, to join in prayer and silence for our Sister’’s mother’s transition Ceremony,, we had well over two-hundred agreements to join in prayer today. I am deeply humbled by each of your responses. The strength of our communal prayers was palpable. Thank you all.

I want to share with you a precious moment Creator blessed me with today, at the appointed time. My own Mother ninety years old, is in Assisted Living. I went to visit her this afternoon. While I was there, the time for our prayers occurred. I paused, told my Mother, I needed to have a moment of silence, and make a good prayer. I explained to her why. I suggested perhaps she might wish to join us. After a few quiet moments, my precious Mother began to pray; ninety years old, mind you. The song of her prayer flowed graciously, honorably, and beautifully for someone, people, friends and family she did not even know. I confess: it was an emotional moment for me; precious indeed.

The Big Black Book assures us, “The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous “one” availeth much.” James 5:16. I have no doubt the angels rejoiced and opened their hearts to receive her good prayer, as well as those from all our dear relatives all across the Sacred Mother Earth. Many of you have posted comments of affirmation yesterday and today, committing and confirming your prayers and acknowledgement of solidarity to cover our Sister with love and light. Again, thank you all.

A dear relative observed this in her comment: “There is no death; only a change of worlds”. (Chief Seattle). Very wise Medicine in those words. She continued: “May we together help her transition well on this Sacred Journey unto the stars….”

Again, the voice of many is far more efficacious than the voice of one. So it is with our good prayers. I am grateful to you all. A'ȟo. O Mítákuye Oyásín 🦅