Sunday Spiritual Celebration Service, !8 September 2022

What an amazingly beautiful Service we experienced this morning during the Sunday Spiritual Celebration in the Grand Hall of Rabbit Hole Studios. It is such a sweet blessing to watch the emergence of our Seventh Generation fellowship and community. We were blessed today with an attendance of 22, with 8 of those, first-time relatives who gathered for a day of prayer and gratitude. It is a beautiful thing to witness our community coming together in love, responsive to the Great Teacher’s admonition: “I give unto you a New Commandment: that you love each other, even as I have loved you.” To watch our brothers and sisters embrace each other in the true expression and experience of the admonition to carry one another’s burdens.

Thank you all for your continuing love, support, and good prayers, always. A'ȟo. O Mítákuye Oyásíŋ 🦅